Sunday, 29 March 2009

A notice to the surfers

I know you are there, I can see you thanks to this smart thingo on the right. I see that many of you just fall in these pages by chance, looking for things they won't surely find here. But others, on the contrary, are sent here by efficient search engines that correctly answer to searches for information that can actually be found in this blog.

If you belong to the latter...

Why don't you drop a line? "I found you while I was looking for this or that. I found this post interesting". Or "I didn't find this blog interesting at all!". "Why don't you check my site/this article...". Etc.

It's nothing difficult. And it's a pleasure for me, while I am trying, not quite successfully in recent times, to maintain this blog a place where things can be found.

Thank you!

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