Sunday, 30 March 2008

How to become a 21st Century Literate Educator

Translation of post "Come diventare un insegnante alfabetizzato del XXI secolo" of March 14th 2008 on "Il deserto dei tartari 2.0".

In his blog, David Warlick suggests a twelve-step path to become "a 21st Century Literate Educator". I interpret that this century needs some instructions, a learning path for teachers born and raised in the previous one.
To summarize the twelve points:

  1. Create a group of teachers to work with.
  2. Have support from the school technical (ICT assistant).
  3. Subscribe some edu-bloggers feeds.
  4. Share work with your group.
  5. Read, study, discuss books.
  6. Plan regular group meetings.
  7. Open a social bookmarking account.
  8. Open a wiki for notes, links and directions.
  9. Join a specific Ning social network.
  10. Open your personal blog.
  11. Start experimenting in your class.
  12. Share your results.
The post ends with a recommendation I completely agree with, well beyond technological aspects. Start becoming a master learner.
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