Wednesday, 2 April 2008

10 ways to use a blog

Translation of post "10 modi per usare un blog" of March 15th 2008 on "Il deserto dei tartari 2.0".

I found on the Edublogs site some suggestions about the educational use of blogs. Here's a paragraph-titles summary.

  1. Post materials and resources.
  2. Host online discussions.
  3. Create a class publication.
  4. Replace your newsletter.
  5. Get your students blogging.
  6. Share your lesson plans.
  7. Integrate multimedia of all descriptions.
  8. Organise, organise, organise.
  9. Get feedback.
  10. Create a fully functional website.
Obviously this is just for advertising Edublogs services. But, as a beginner blogger, I find quite interesting seeing all these possible situations when a blog or a blog-related service is suggested...
Blogged with the Flock Browser

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