Sunday, 30 March 2008

The utopian classroom

Translation of post "La classe utopica" of March 14th 2008 on "Il deserto dei tartari 2.0".

I happened to visit a rather interesting blog. Jabiz Raisdana, a US teacher in this post speaks about the 21st century utopian classroom. Obviously everything is based on technology and the use of the most recent advances in the classroom. I like the basic idea: the world has changed, students live a different reality from the one their teachers grew up in, this reality is what the students need to be equipped for, and this is one of the tasks of education.

On the other hand, reading more posts on the same blog, I found out that Jabiz Raisdana was made resign from his teaching position because in one of the blogs he used with his students there appeared a link leading to his personal blog. An expensive forgetfulness, that, in my opinion, suggests some reflections on the public-private dimensions relationship for a teacher, on privacy and on limits to set to the pursuit of privacy, on professionalism and being a human person.

I add some lines for the non-Italian readers: in Italy such a thing would be considered outrageous and/or laughable. Nobody can ask a teacher to be a professional without being a person, with his private life. But I do not doubt that, unfortunately, we shall get there too: we seem to pick all the worst from other countries quite readily, whereas when there is some good practice to copy we never seem to be able to decide...
Blogged with the Flock Browser

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links and the post. I hope to be writing on this topic more in the future, and I hope you stay tuned.