Wandering about the web I happened to find a Flickr group called 366photos.
The idea is (was, it started already) to take a photo a day for a year. I read comments of some participants and others who just look at the thing, that this way of doing, sooner or later, changes your way of seeing and thinking; it somehow pushes you in a world where the shot, and the search for a good one, has a priority position in how you perceive reality. Some bloggers do the same, forcing themselves to write a post a day, to get their minds accustomed to a way of expressing themselves that probably requires, for some people, some "conversion".
I found this idea (a bit less extended) in Darren Kuropatwa's blog; he is a Canadian teacher with lots of good ideas; for example exploiting flickr and its communities in an educational way... Think of how good it would be for a language teacher (I'm thinking of Italian Italian language teachers in first or second high school classes, where one of the learning objectives is analysing languages and forms of expression) or an arts teacher to be able to stimulate students' creativity, show them precious educational uses of their mobile phones or of the net, while s/he teaches them how to read an image taken by the students' themselves, or while s/he asks them to build images according to the content that must be read in them...
Blogged with the Flock Browser
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