Sunday 13 April 2008


On Jon Becker's blog there is a debate (not particularly passionating) that made me think.

Why this blog? I don't exactly know.

First of all, the desire to experiment something new and to sample its possibilities.
Then, I think, the chance of expressing myself, independently on the audience.
Maybe also the hope of getting in touch with people I have experiences in common with without directly knowing them

But then I rediscovered, and probably the value of this discovery is greater today for me than the other three motivations, that to communicate something you need to have it clear in your mind, or at least to have some clear good questions about it.
I think this is the true value of this blog for me, beyond the fact that someone might read and find it useful, or even respond and join a conversation.
Everything more than my clearer understanding of what I write about is a surprise gift.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

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